Plymouth-based CIC Mindful Art Club offers coffee, creativity, and company

Do you remember when you enjoyed art as a child, without judging your ability or results? Mindful Art Club’s easy-going art sessions in Plymouth for fun and relaxation can help you to deal with anxiety, stress, and daily worries. No talent? No experience? No worries!


Mindful Art Club was founded in 2019 by Peggy Melmoth and Emma Sprawson. They met when working in Plymouth’s addiction treatment centres — Broadreach, Closereach, and Longreach — but when they closed down in July 2019, all of its staff were made redundant. Peggy and Emma both have lived experience of mental health issues and addiction.

Emma recalls: “We knew that the people with addiction and complex mental health issues were still out there and we wanted to continue working with them. I already taught art classes at Broadreach and Closereach, and I also hosted mindfulness sessions for the clients. Peggy had the idea of combining the two and bringing it to the community.”

Peggy adds: “Our sessions aim to improve mental health and reduce social isolation. We start with a check-in where everyone can say how they are feeling, then a short mindful meditation, then we do a simple art project that anyone can do.”

Mindful Art Club, a CIC (community interest company), has formed local partnerships with organisations including the Moments Café, Sunflower Women’s Centre, Harbour Centre, Devon Recovery Learning Community, local wellbeing hubs, and more, including two of the Devon Mental Health Alliance’s members: Devon Mind and Shekinah. Most of its art sessions are offered for free, thanks to various charitable funding, and take place in Plymouth City Centre and Plympton.

Peggy and Emma are currently working with a psychology research team at Plymouth University to measure the difference they make. The following quotes show just what Mindful Art Club means to those who attend:

“Having Mindful Art Club — this weekly space to just sit and chat with these lovely people whilst doing these mindful creative activities — has made so much of a difference to me. I feel like the art club allows me to take away some of the negativity and toxicity that builds up over the course of a week of stressful activities.” — Chris

“Well done on setting up such an amazing project. I’ve been to a couple of sessions and found them to be really friendly, fun, informative, and relaxing. It really helped me deal with my anxiety. The way you run them allowed me to have a go at art and leave behind the self-criticism that so often affects me. The great thing about it is you’re giving people ideas that they can take away with them and continue at home. A big thank you, I wish you every success in the future.” — Mel

Mindful Art Club’s sessions are friendly and informal — participants are invited to just grab a coffee and join in. Find your nearest art club here: You can also follow Mindful Art Club’s updates on Facebook here:


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