Nutriri benefits from Alliance Innovation Fund grant for weight neutral resources
The Devon Mental Health Alliance (DMHA) is pleased to announce that we will be partnering with Nutriri as a beneficiary of our DMHA Innovation Fund for VCSE organisations.
Nutriri is a ‘weight neutral’ training provider and an alternative support service to slimming clubs. Helen James originally set up Nutriri in Axminster as an in-person group, after decades of attending weigh-in groups, fluctuating her own weight dramatically, and never feeling much better around food, body image and getting active. Helen noticed that healthcare seemed to be all about BMI, with little regard for the mental health impacts of being in constant pursuit of a different body weight.
Since 2015, the team has diligently researched and developed a solution for reducing stress around food and movement, to build trust and re-engage people in nutrition without a weight focus. Along the way, they have built relationships with national social prescribing stakeholders, local government, community groups, commissioners, and academics in weight stigma.
A core part of Nutriri’s development has been joining up the lived experiences of everyone with whom they have interacted, including those in recovery from eating disorders, parents of those with eating difficulties, and individuals with body dysmorphia and other experiences that significantly impact our mental and physical health.
All of Nutriri’s progress to date has been with very little core funding, and through the brilliant support and skill of volunteers who want to contribute to this significant change for citizen health.
Helen James, the founder of Nutriri
Speaking about the funding , Helen commented:
“Nutriri is thrilled with the award from the Alliance, which will provide the next year of our digital learning and community platform — our place on the web where we support people to find their own version of ease around food, nutrition, and movement, and where we train healthcare professionals to work weight neutrally. More importantly, it will enable us to continue to share this excellent training with practitioners and commissioners to help grow our service to the next level.”
You can access resources on the Nutriri platform, where they’ve set up a code for free access to their email mini course 5 Days of Intuitive Eating for the DMHA:
Matt Merriam, the Community Mental Health Development Lead in Exeter, East & Mid Devon, who has been working with Nutriri during their Innovation Fund application, added:
“It is amazing to be able to work with an organisation as special as Nutriri. The work they are doing is equal parts exciting and vital. Please take the time to go and check them out, and join us in celebrating this fantastic and innovative work.”
If you work for a VCSE organisation in any area of Devon that is working towards delivering innovative support to people experiencing severe mental illness, why not apply for an award from our Innovation Fund? Grants of up to £800 are available.